Thursday, 27 June 2019

Wednesday 26th June - Gernsheim to Erdfelder Altrhein

We didn’t leave until midday as shopping needed doing - as the crow flies, the shops were less than a kilometre away but the road route was around a 2km walk.  Henk arrived back first on his bike with the heavy stuff, then Skip later, with the rest.  It was way too hot for shopping, so we were all looking forward to being on the move to get some air.  
There was not much traffic around so the short run on the river was easy with a lovely breeze - Crew is actually wearing a dress today!!!  We turned off the river for a 6km run to the port, where there are three marinas.
We found two vacant berths alongside each other and got settled in the, by now, immense heat of the day.  As we sat on deck, imbibing our ‘arrival beers’ a lady came swimming by and stopped to chat.  She was full of praise for the port, saying that we were near a nature reserve and that there were natural springs in the water.....indeed, Crew did spot some bubbles rising in the river.
We had some lunch and decided to walk into town for dinner later - Crew was not looking forward to this as the temperature had risen to just under 40c!!

It was a very, very hot walk and we were constantly buzzed by mosquitos.  It took a good twenty minutes before we found a Bier Keller, which had a menu of sorts - mostly snacks really but we couldn’t be bothered to walk any further.

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