Saturday, 8 June 2019

Thursday 6th June - Heidwiller to Mulhouse

What a difference a day makes - we woke to much cooler weather and rain, so sweaters, coats and hats were in order!    Crew was not looking forward to ten locks in the rain, although at least the rain stopped after three locks.  Last time we cruised to Mulhouse, it was similar weather......must be something about Mulhouse!
The number of locks today was increased by one, as an ecluse de garde was not open as usual - a pain!  All went well until, when in our eighth lock, the lock keeper said we should wait in the next lock whilst he went for lunch - a bit early we thought but in the event, he returned to us at 12.45 p.m. Just three more locks saw us arrived at the port.  We were greeted by the Capitaine and a lady who helped us moor on the visitors pontoon, alongside.  A steady drizzle had started again so we got the canopy and sides up as quickly as possible. A fairly quick bite of lunch followed by usual siesta.
There was an important football match in the evening between Holland and the UK, but kick off was not until 8.45 p.m.  Of course we couldn’t get any TV coverage but Henk found it on French TV - he has a different system to us!  So after we had something to eat, Skip went over to Cornelis k. To watch whilst Crew watched a very good episode of Vera, going over to Henks’ boat afterwards to watch the sad end for England.....3 - 1!!!!

11 locks  2 lifting bridges 13 km 4 hours

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