Sunday, 16 June 2019

Saturday 15th June - Breisach

The plan was to depart at 9.30 but there was a problem.  Henk had discovered a diesel leak in his engine room, which had to be put right......not a quick or easy job!  So it looked as if we were staying one more night.  By the time he had been successful, it was almost midday so, as the weather had improved, we decided to go out for lunch.
It wasn’t that easy choosing a restaurant, as most of them seemed to be cafes, serving snacks.  In the end we plumped for Saigon, a Vietnamese restaurant.  We were very surprised to find that the wine was very good, a large glass at €3.80 and the food good and reasonably priced too.
There had been a small market in the square, which finally dispersed after we had eaten, revealing the fountains emerging from the ground.  After settling the bill, we stayed another few minutes being amused by the children (and a dog!) running in and out, all getting thoroughly wet!
Breisach is a pretty town, which was badly bombed during World War 2 and so the buildings are mostly not that old but very well planned and tastefully done.  There are some older buildings behind a fortification up the hill, along with a lovely old church.
We retired to our boats for an afternoon rest and spent the rest of the day on ‘coot watch’ and relaxation.  The baby coots are venturing out and giving Crew serious anxiety - one launched himself onto the water but somehow made his way back to Mum.....relief!!
We watched two films during the evening, although once again, it was difficult to hear parts as the rain was so hard at times - I think we need to somehow increase the volume control on the DVD player!!

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