Thursday, 22 September 2016

Tuesday 20th September - Gergy to Verdun sur le Doubs

An even shorter run to Verdun so we didn't leave until 11 a.m. - could get used to this lazy cruising!  We arrived at the long pontoon to a very warm welcome from the friendly Capitaine who helped us in.  Cornelis k. has a little green dinghy on davits which makes it difficult to moor stern to.  If there are no finger pontoons which is the case in Verdun, it is impossible for Henk to get to shore unless he can moor alongside another boat, so luckily he was able to tie up against us.  Having settled in, we decided to look for some lunch in town for a change.  Yet another quaint old town, Verdun has most of the amenities required very close to the port.  We remembered having a good meal in a restaurant a little further into town but of course, found it closed so we had a beer in a bar on the way back to the hotel nearer the port........mistake - by the time we got to the hotel it was 'complet'.  We are now in the land of lunch at12.30 on the dot - or no lunch!!  This system doesn't exist in the south of France......find it very frustrating!!  Back to Aphrodite for a spot of lunch then, having booked dinner at 8 p.m. in the hotel!  As we now have lovely sunny, autumnal weather during the day with cold mornings and evenings, lunch is a better option - we just need to work on the 12.30 thing!!  Dinner was pretty good in the hotel, then back to the boat for a digestif and bed.

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