Monday, 12 September 2016

Saturday 10th September - Belleville to Macon

Around 7.30 a.m. a very large hotel boat arrived and moored right in front of us - to make it easier for us to leave the mooring Henk moved out first, having detached the German sailing boat, allowing us to reverse a bit before leaving the mooring, which we did around 10 o'clock as usual.  An uneventful trip apart from a twenty minute wait for the lock.  We tied up in Macon harbour around 1 p.m. on the visitors' pontoon.  Crew decide to cook her version of a Thai Chicken Curry in the evening so after our usual lunch and siesta, started to prepare vegetables.  It was a bit of a test for Henk as he is very particular about his food, to say the least!  He gamely tried it and declared it tasty although he didn't eat very much.....maybe 7 out of 10??

28km 1 lock 3 hours

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