Thursday, 29 September 2016

Saturday 24th September - St. Jean de Losne

We planned on a lazy day today as we still had more than a week to pack up for home.  A good idea we thought was to test drive the new restaurant recommended by our friend Carol called Sauconna for lunch. Henk came with us and we all agreed that , although a little on the expensive side, it was very good, particularly the pichet of Chardonnay which was €11 per 50cl.  On the way to the restaurant, Crew spotted a notice announcing Dragon Boat racing on both 1st and 2nd October....might be fun!  
We had tried to get some of our long list of jobs registered with Blanquarts but we're told, in no uncertain terms that nothing could be done about anything until Monday - it was around 4 p.m. on a Friday afternoon.......all the French can think about at that time is 'Le Weekend'.  Why did we ever teach them that word!!!  So, to sum up, we have no fridge, no heating and now no hot water (boiler has finally died on us!) - not a very auspicious ending to our 2016 cruise!  It looks as if Crew is going to have to wrestle with the unfriendly shower in the marina in order to finally get her hair washed.  We had a quiet evening watching TV and bed.

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