Thursday, 26 September 2019

Wednesday 25th September - Beaume-les-Dames to Deluz

We woke to a grey soggy morning and a very wet deck.....summer is definitely over!   Henk decided to stay on another night as he hoped to meet up with his friends so we left just before 10 a.m.
With the hope of no more rain wet set off on a fairly difficult trip as the river was full of sandbanks - to be avoided at all costs!  For several stretches of water we had to slow down to avoid being grounded which made for an anxious Skip.  Our first lock was 4.2 metres and took quite a while to fill for us.
There was a very narrow shallow cut leading to our fourth lock and it wasn’t until we were near the lock that we noticed there was a boat coming up. So a difficult reverse for Skip back into wider waters - the wind didn’t help either.  The last two locks went well if a little chilly......the wind was bitingly cool.
We arrived in Deluz just before one o’clock and managed to find a space with a finger pontoon to tie off on.  We had some lunch but retired below afterwards as it was raining on and off.  The port was very quiet and although Crew saw a dog board our neighbour, no human was in sight.....maybe he’s a guard dog!!
A lazy afternoon and evening followed with Crew in the galley cooking bacon wrapped chicken.  TV was good apart from rain interference.

17 km 6 locks 2 3/4 hours

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