Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Monday Monday 16th September - Kembs to Mulhouse

The plan was to leave around 11 a.m. as we had a short days’ cruising ahead of us.  However when Skip phoned the Capitaine at Mulhouse to ensure berths for us, he had to ask him for the phone number of the lock keeper.  We have to ask for a time to lock through, enabling us to reach Mulhouse.   The keeper informed us that we could only go through from 4 p.m. - so a very late departure for us!
We had a light lunch on board before departure and left the port at 2 p.m.......now very hot but with a nice breeze, 30c!!  We arrived at the lock before 4 o’clock but the keeper was already there and we locked through fairly quickly.  A 2 km run into Mulhouse saw us greeted by the Capitaine and tied up by 4.30 p.m.
Before we have always been moored on the pontoons here but this time we were directed alongside where passenger boats normally moor.  This was fine except that there is no security gate, so we decided to empty our top deck fridge of all alcohol before bedtime.......a bit of a nuisance really but needs must!
We decided on a lazy evening and to go out for a nice lunch tomorrow so we just had an easy supper, watched TV and bed.

17 km 1 lock 2 1/2 hours

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