Monday, 1 July 2019

Saturday 29th June - Schierstein

Another hot day forecast, so any chores have to be performed as early as possible!  Really, Aphrodite needs a good clean, inside and out but it’s just too hot for hard labour.  Crew put some washing on - some standards have to be kept up!!
The men went shopping as Crew had not had too good a night, being woken around 6 a.m. with some kind of sciatica attack - or just old age.....oooof!
The plan today was quiet and easy - some lunch on board and a lazy evening.  The temperature, at its’ highest was only just under 40c, so the plan was to try and keep as cool as possible......quite difficult on a boat!
So we all had a light lunch on deck and whiled away the afternoon with light tasks and siestas.
Crew had been very excited to get Channel 4 at our first mooring but, alas, it was not available here, so we watched an episode of Vera and bed.  Still very hot so the fan stayed on all night!

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