Friday, 24 May 2019

Thursday 23rd May - Besancon to De Luz

Not so long a day today, so didn’t depart until almost 10 o’clock.  Another beautiful sunny day, if a bit of a chilly wind first thing.
We enjoyed a lovely cruise in the sun with beautiful scenery surrounding us and only two single and one double lock to navigate.  The double lock was not too bad but the final one of the two was a bit rough.  We are using just a central line on a sliding pole - most of which are covered in lock sludge......ropes filthy!
 We arrived just before 1 p.m. and got settled to await Henks’ arrival for lunch.  However he had had a problem at the double lock - he accidentally nudged the alarm with his elbow, which automatically sends a call to the VNF to attend he had also got his rope stuck on the sliding pole as there was a ridge in which the line got stuck and as the water level is rising, so it gets stuck.....that is nasty!!  He had to wait longer than usual for the VNF man to arrive, meaning he didn’t arrive until 3.30 p.m. - another late lunch, except, rudely Skip and Crew couldn’t wait and had already eaten.  But since he was hot and tired we were able to feed and water him until he was comfortable!
Skip went off to the village to explore - we have been here before but our memories are not what they used to be!!  Nothing much to report sadly, just one restaurant, La Pergola, which doubled up as a bar and tabac.
By now it was 22/23c with hardly any wind, so felt very warm, therefore Skip adopted his usual supine position on the back deck for his siesta - wish there was a French word for that!
We decided on a simple salad supper and watched some TV, which we hadn’t expected to get, given the high hills around us.

19km 4 locks 3 hours

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