Sunday, 13 August 2017

Saturday 12th August - Epernay to Mareuil- sur-Ay

Not far to go today as we have plenty of time now (famous last words!) so we didn't leave Epernay until after 11 a.m.  With only two locks to operate we were a little upset to find the second lock not working......we got in the lock OK but the mechanism wouldn't work to close the gates.  So Skip climbed the ladder (going up now of course!) and crossed the lock to call the VNF.  The intercom wasn't working either, so back on board to call by mobile.  He came within minutes, which was good for the three boats waiting the other side.  We are now retracing our steps for a little while until we take a turn to cruise to Reims - this is a last minute change of plan since we have spare time.  Having noticed a nice little halte nautique in Mareuil-sur-Ay with power, that was our preferred spot for the night.  We arrived around 1p.m. and took up a whole bay to ourselves, helped in by a Brit and an Australian.
We had our usual lunch on board then after a rest, Skip went to have a look around with the idea that we would dine out.  Unfortunately, the one and only restaurant in town wasn't open on a Saturday evening nor at all on a Sunday - this is a new one on me!!!  So Crew rustled up a not too shabby spaghetti bolognaise for supper.  As the mooring was quite open and not overlooked by trees, unlike Epernay, we managed to get TV so watched for a while before bed.

11 km 2 locks 1 3/4 hours

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