Sunday, 11 June 2017

Sunday 11th June - Kembs

Another lie in for Crew and, it being Sunday, The Archers omnibus to look forward to!  Before that a bed change and a load of washing put on (sorry Gordon!).  Skip walked the half a mile into town to buy bread whilst Crew was busy - a nice change to have fresh bread for lunch!  He was unable to buy a baguette, however as they had run out and came back with a very good little brown loaf but it cost €3!!  A bit steep for bread we thought! The temperature soared as the afternoon wore on, getting into the early 30s' so not much done by Aphrodites' crew!  Usual leisurely lunch and siesta, then showers and out for dinner at Le Peniche, right by the side of the port, so not far to go!  What can I say, everything was perfect, aperitifs came quickly (Cremant of course!), then white wine, bread and water, followed by an 'amuse bouche' of gazpacho - not exactly French but perfect for this hot evening!  Skip had a sort of prawn cocktail with lots of prawns and Crew had roasted figs with goats' cheese.....absolutely delicious!  We both had fillet steak, which was perfectly cooked with lovely accompaniments but was too much for Crew, so one of her fillets was packed up for a steak sandwich for tomorrows' lunch!!  We couldn't managed a dessert so just finished the excellent Vacqueryas red.  We expressed our gratitude to the by now assembled staff of five and wished them a good night.  Digestifs on the back deck and bed.  On the move tomorrow!

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