Sunday, 28 May 2017

Sunday 28th May - Deluz to Ougney-Les-Champs

We left the port around 10 a.m.  We had reckoned on 6 locks today but on approaching an ecluse de garde were stopped by a red light (technically we should sail straight through but these locks
 normally operate when the river water is high).  Already another lock added to our list!!  Another hot  day for travelling through the most beautiful countryside - mustn't complain though as rain is forecast from Tuesday onwards.  We managed four locks without incident and reached Ougney-les-Champs to find a VNF man telling us that lock number 40 (we are at lock 42) is disabled, needing a diver to investigate the problem - never a good sign!  And he said that there was nowhere for us to moor after the lock and therefore best for us to stay put. There was a penichette hire boat on the waiting pontoon so we tied off alongside.  Looked like we were there for the night at way was a diver coming out on a Sunday!  And Mothers Day too - am sure they had one of those a couple of weeks ago!!  Hmm......French shrug!  About an hour and a half after we arrived two more boats turned up, going our way so Skip went to explain what was going on.  They decided to moor on the opposite side to us - I tried to tell them that it was too shallow but they attempted it anyway....and failed.  The pontoon was perfect for our size but we persuaded the French family to move back (with us attached) to allow the other two boats (Germans travelling together) to tie off in front of us.  As we were performing this operation the Frenchman decided to tell us that he was leaving anyway!!!  Lack of communication!  So we tied onto the back of the pontoon, allowing the Germans to come in front of us.  In the end they decided to chance their arm and proceed through the lock anyway to find somewhere to moor the other we were left Billy Nomates after all!!  The day is not really going too well so far and Crew missed the Archers' Omnibus!!!  .Six young people had turned up with their kayaks and Crew was chatting to their leader, Mike, an Irishman and discovered that they were on a six month trip from Ireland to the Black Sea (some coming and some going over that period).  They were hoping to come through the lock with us but decided to stop for lunch. As they had to wait until 3 o'clock to get lunch, Skip Invited them aboard for an aperitif!  Of course, six people can quickly deplete ones' beer and wine stock!!  So in the end our cheese and biscuit lunch (no baguettes for four days now!) was taken at 3 p.m.......seems to be our new lunchtime one way or another!  They were a great crowd (3 Irish, 1 French, 1 American and 1 English) and we enjoyed their company very much. The French girl, Eve has invited us for a drink with her when we reach Nancy, her home town.  After lunch they all threw themselves into the water for a swim with great hilarity.  They then set off back the way they had come - we wished them a fond farewell.  As the restaurant was closed the galley slave had to cook steak for dinner - we have to find some victuals soon.....only two steaks left!  Funny day......ended with usual DVD and bed!

9 km 4 locks 2 hours

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