Monday, 3 April 2017

Cruising Plan 2017

Cruising Plan 2017
The plan for 2017 is to cruise up the Canal du Rhone au Rhin  to Mulhouse, then Colmar ,then take the Rhine to Strasboug .
Then turn left along the canal de la Marne au Rhin to Nancy ,Toul to Vitry le Francois picking up the Canal lateral a la Marne to Epernay
We will then retrace our steps to Vitry but then continue on the canal de la Marne a la Soane via Chaumont back to St Jean de Losne

First part
Canal du Rhone au Rhin  Day 1 St Jean to Dole
4k along the Soane to St Symphorien to enter the Rhone au Rhin 8locks to Dole
23k 8locls
Day2 Dole to Ranchot  5 locks 20k
Day3 Ranchot to Besancon 10locks  31k
Day4 Besancon to Baume les Dames 9 locks 35k
Day5 Les Baumes to L'Isle  sur le Doubs  13locks  31k
Day6 L'Isle to Montbeliard  12locks 33k
Day7 Montebeliard to Montreux Chateau 12locks 21k o reach the top ogf the navigation
Day8 Montreux to Dannemarie  15locks  11k
Day9 Dannemarie to Mulhouse 24locks 23k

Day 10 16k 2locks to the Canal  d'Alsace  France

We can moor At Kembs or Alsace Plaisance

We now leave the canal du Rhone au Rhin and head north on the Grand Canal  d'Alsace and the River Rhine
to your portside Germany to  your starboard
Day 11 Niffer Kembs to Breisach 3locks and 41k to Biesheim
We might then take the excursion to Colmar and back  23k 3locks otherwise we enter the Rhine with heavy industrial traffic
Day 12 42k and 2 locks arrive at Rhineau
Last time e then entered the canal du Rhone au Rhin (branche Nord) to Strasbourg  but it was a slow boring trip so will now continue on the Rhine to Strasbourg but need to do more research on finding suitable mooring

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