The advance party left on time at 8 o'clock with a threatening grey sky overhead. It had rained in the night so it looked like we were all going to get wet! Aphrodite and Cornelis k were to leave a couple of hours later but a steady rain had set in. As it didn't look like stopping any time soon, we bit the bullet and set off. We had a little over 10 km to travel before our first lock (almost 5 m) so lucky old Crew got to stay in the dry once underway! As we approached we noticed that our Swiss neighbours were in the lock waiting for us. We moored on the opposite side and Henk came up behind us. We were right to the front of the lock and swayed around quite a bit once the operation got underway - it took forever.....a lot of water to shift! Our second lock was just one and a half km but only had a depth of 2.4 m - then another long stretch to the third......8 km. We got into a routine of Skip letting Crew off to walk up to the lock and activate it. One button to press which opens the gates - if the lock is full then first the water has to empty - then Crew has to take the lines. When everyone is safely moored another button is pressed which starts the process. All went pretty well, apart from the rain (although, for some reason, it stopped each time we were in the locks - someone must be looking over us!). We arrived in port at 3.45 and were helped in by the others who had arrived a couple of hours earlier. Skip, Crew and Henk were very thirsty so, after getting settled, Arthur invited us on his boat, Compass Rose for beer. We had previously arranged to have a barbecue and we pooled our supplies, subsequently putting on a big spread. A good time was had by all!
28 km 7 locks 5 hrs 45 mins
Convoy of Rosina,Compass Rose,Aphrodite and Cornelis k. after Negra Lock
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